A unique build number generated by Silicon Labs' internal build engineering process
Major version number (used to indicate major architectural changes or significant supported platform changes).
A.b.c.d uint8_t
Minor version number (used to indicate significant new features, API changes; not always code-compatible with previous minor versions).
a.B.c.d uint8_t
Patch (sub-minor) version number (used to indicate bug fixes or minor features that don't affect code-compatibility with previous application code).
a.b.C.d uint8_t
Special version number (used to indicate superficial changes that don't require re-certification of the stack as a ZigBee-Compliant Platform, such as changes that only affect installer packaging, documentation, or comments in the code)
a.b.c.D uint8_t
Corresponding to an enum value from EmberVersionType.
Pre-release, Alpha, Beta, GA
A version structure containing all version information.